Our masonry products come with different dimensions depending on the vendor and stone quarry where they have been shipped from. To obtain more detailed information about particular products size, capacity, thickness,or coverage per ton please reach out to us directly. However, to better accommodate our customers we have prepared some of the basic info as listed below.
Random Thin Brick and Corners
Veneer, Front of Brick
Veneer Spec: 8″ L x 2-1/4″ H x 5/8″ Thickness
Coverage: 7 Veneers per Square Foot

Corners, Face and Side of Brick
Corner Spec: 8″ L x 2-1/4″ H x 3-3/4″ D x 5/8″ Thickness
Coverage: 4 Corners per Linear Foot

Full Size Brick Dimensions

Random Thin Veneer Stone
Thin Veneer Stone is manufactured by taking a piece of Full Veneer Stone and “sawing out the middle” leaving you with two pieces of “thinner” stone. Thin Veneer is roughly 3/4″ – 1 1/4″ thick, compared to Full Veneer which is 4-5″ thick. Thin Veneer is about 25% of the weight of Full Veneer. Typically no Brick Ledge is necessary when installing Thin Veneer and can be applied to almost any wall (if prepared correctly). Aesthetically there is no difference between Full and Thin Veneer.
Thin Veneer is sold by the Square Foot when talking about Flats and Linear Foot when talking about 90 Degree Corners.

Random Full Veneer Stone
Full Veneer Stone is manufactured by taking the raw product and Splitting, Sawing or Cutting the material into individual pieces of Veneer Stone. Full Veneer is approximately 4″ thick, compared to Thin Veneer which is 3/4″ – 1 1/4″ thick. Because of the extra thickness, Full Veneer is about 75% heavier than Thin Veneer. This extra weight makes a Brick Ledge necessary for installation. Aesthetically there is no difference between Full and Thin Veneer.
Full Veneer is sold by the Ton and covers approximately 35-40 Square Feet per Ton. We package Full Veneer by placing it on a Pallet and Stretch Wrapping the Product. Each Pallet is around 3,000 Lbs (1.5 Ton), unless requested otherwise.

Random Flagstone Dimensions
Useage Walk Ways, Patios
Shape Irregular
Coverage 80-100 Sq Ft Per Ton
Thickness 1-2″
Size Approx. 20-42″

Random Patterned Flagstone
Usage Patios Square/Rectangular
Coverage Sold by the Square Foot
Thickness 1-2″
Size Assortment of 12×12″, 12×24″, 12×36″, 24×24″, 24-36″ (Custom Sizes also Available) Sizes are 1/2″ scant to all for joints

Random Steppers
Usage Patios
Shape Irregular
Coverage 80-100 Sq Ft Per Ton
Thickness 1-2″, 2-3″
Size Approx. Size 10-20″

Fond du Lac Snapped Steps
Useage Steps for Retaining Walls and Raised Walkways
Color A Mix of Light and Dark Greys
Shape Rectangular
Packaging Banded and Palletized (3,000 Lbs)
Thickness 6-8″
Ends Machine Split
Size Custom Upon Request

Chilton Outcropping
Useage Medium and Large Retaining Walls
Color Chilton Shades of Greys, Mauves, Buffs, & Greens
Shape Irregular
Coverage 5 Square Feet Per Ton
Packaging Wrapped and Palletized (3,000 Lbs)
Thickness 6-8″
Lengths 4-5
Widths 3′-4″

Chilton Steppers
Useage Patios
Color Deep Chilton Shades of Greys, Mauves, Buffs, & Greens
Shape Irregular
Coverage 80-100 Sq Ft Per Ton
Packaging Wrapped and Palletized (3,000 Lbs)
Thickness 1-2″, 2-3″
Size Approx. Size 10-20″

Fond du Lac Colonial Steppers
Useage Patios
Color A Mix of Light and Dark Shades of Grey
Shape Irregular
Coverage 60-70 Sq Ft Per Ton
Packaging Wrapped and Palletized (3,000 Lbs)
Thickness 2-3″
Size Approx. 10-20″

Chilton Full Color Outcropping
Useage Medium and Large Retaining Walls
Color Deep Chilton Shades of Reds, Browns, and Creams
Shape Irregular
Coverage 5 Square Feet Per Ton
Packaging Wrapped and Palletized (3,000 Lbs)
Thickness 6-8″
Lengths 4-5′
Widths 3′-4″